From Our Executive Director
I am First Gen!
Graduating high school was an exciting time for me as I knew I would be going to college in the fall, but I only had a vague idea of what the next four years would look like.
I come from a smart and brilliant family who pushed and supported me in school. While their support was invaluable, they hadn't made the transition from high school to college to help me with a road map of what to do or how to succeed and earn my bachelor's degree.
But I knew I wanted to be successful and that my success would be my family's success. The pressure to succeed was real because failure was not an option!
I started the Jefferson Family Foundation for this young man in the photo growing up in Youngstown, Ohio. Through the foundation we will provide scholarships, mentoring and guidance as students move through higher education.
I am beyond grateful to everyone who saw my potential and urged me to fulfill it, who helped in their own way, big or small. From teachers to guidance counselors, college program staff to fellow students, I was surrounded by support that allowed me to graduate on time and with minimal debt.
It is my life’s work to return the favor to as many students as possible. Together, we will work to support all first-generation students who need a guiding hand as they begin a new chapter.
Dr. Thomas A. Jefferson
Founder & Executive Director
Our Vision
The Jefferson Family Foundation empowers individuals to overcome challenges, maximize their potential, and develop into leaders within their community.
Our Mission
The Jefferson Family Foundation looks to shrink educational, and socio-economic barriers for first-generation, low income students and families, in particular diverse populations and Black males.